Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Toro Report

I am glad to report that Toro is becoming more and more confident. I think he has made some headway with the 2 rascals and told them in no uncertain way that he could and would not be bullied. In his previous household, he was bullied by the female so now, he tries to bully Akira instead. But I see that the three of them have accepted the fact that they have to be together, if not in the same space, then in the same house.

Toro no longer clings to me or stays with me all the time I am home. He is quite comfortable staying by himself as well as hanging out where Bujang is. He no longer comes to me endlessly to be brushed and comforted. He just comes to greet me home, sits for abit while I scratch his head in greeting and brush his fur, then he is off to investigate some other thing in the house. He sits in the same room with the other 2 without trying to intimidate them all 24 hours a day.

Akira has relaxed somewhat and would stay on the same bed with him if he does not come anywhere near her or gets into her space. :)

But he still thinks he should do sentry duty when I am in the loo. He would get into the loo with me and guards the entrance fiercely from enemies of the state. :)) Of course if the enemy happens to be Bujang, then it is just a matter of Bujang staring at him and swiping his head. And if it's Akira, she would just snarl at him and wait for me to get out with Toro close at my heels.

There is more than one way to rule the roost..as they say. :)
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  1. Toro looks like me.

    Meow, Bon Bon


  2. What a handsome boy!

    I would love to have cats with medium-length or long fur, but I'm too lazy to brush lah. Heck. I don't even brush MY OWN hair that regularly.

  3. Ya. Toro looks very much like Bon-bon kxbc :) except of cos Bon Bon is more photogenic. I see that all your cats photograph well. It must take a long time for you to shoot them in the exact perfect position no?

  4. Toro is now looking a little untidy. I try to brush him but he is extermely vain and would turn right and left so i can brush all the 'right' sides. :) then he takes a few steps in front so I have to reach out and brush his back. There must be an easier way for me to encourage him to stay in one place so he can look better. :))

  5. Oh, you flatter me. heeheehee...

    Meow, Bon Bon
