Monday, April 17, 2006

Toro Crazy Horse

How does one go from being sick with fever (1st 2 pics) to the creature who is wide-eyed and acting crazy? The bottom 2 show Toro resting after a hard bout of jumping after Da Bird just now. I have yet to put up the video on YouTube :)) but may figure it out by the weekend..or maybe not lah. The last pic shows Toro trying to rest and yet he is curious as to what the rascals are doing with Da Bird.
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  1. Was Toro panting?!

  2. Yes he is panting. Its because he wants to play with Da Bird all by himself so he plays very rough and would actually jump on the other 2 for the bird. Also he likes to somersault over and over again like a tumbler at the olympic games. So he gets tired very easily and then he pants. So i sometimes have to make him rest in the carrier and then play with the other 2. It's the only way everyone gets to play. :))
