Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A last note for Wednesday

This is one cute cat no?

I am reading this cat book from a cat behaviourist. Its quite intersting with little anecdotes about various kitties and their owners. I am hoping to find something about getting Toro and the rascals closer together faster [yah I am optimistic that I can speed up the process]

Toro's quality of life is good with the rascals but I think it can be better once they all accept each other or if the rascals allow him to be with them. When they are togther, I have the feeling that they gang up on him. Although they are not obviously violent, I think there is something going on. But I am not unduly worried as he is young and robust and can take such setbacks. After all he has bounced back several times quite quickly.

I also know this can take a long time as Toro was 1 year old (nearly) when he came to live with us and Akira was only 6 months when I got her from the SPCA. Even Gin, the cat specialist from the SPCA told me that it was better and easier to get a female companion for a male cat.

Akira has just jumped down from her computer cupboard roost so that she doesn't need to wait for Toro to vacate the shelf. One point for Her Highness Akira. Toro was shocked out of his sleep and looked at her askance. But he is not much bothered as he has gone back to slumberland :))
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  1. I still don't like Mini. But I don't bite her no more unless she gets real real close. She leave me alone too. Sometimes bein left alone is good. I hope efurrycat gets to like Toro tho. He can't be as bad as Mini. hehehe

    ~~ Sanjee

  2. I read that book. It was good, better than Pam Bennett-Johnson.

  3. She is certainly more chatty about her adventures. :)

  4. You are right sanjee. Sometimes being alone is quite restful. :) Thanks for the advice.
