Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cat Tags

The cat tags came in the post. I'm sure it came yesterday as it takes 3 days to process. So tomorrow I would collar all the 3 except the black carpark cat as he is truly very fierce and keeps growling even as he eats.

The 2 red collars belong to Akira but she wouldn't mind as she has many others. I think FatBoy will get the blue manly one :) The tags have the block address and the words 'Keep Me Safe' at the back. I think this is better as it will put the word 'safe' in people's minds if they should look at the tags. The other tag I had done for the calico says 'Don't Hurt Me.' On hindsight, that is a not a good idea as it may put the idea of 'hurting' in their minds and when you tell people "Don't" they will immediately do it. That is usually what happens. Now I 'always expect the expected' when it comes to people's actions.


  1. Yes you are right. Good luck. I hope the tags won't be stolen.

  2. Sweet new look! Nice :)

    The collars that the community cats wear always go missing. I wonder if people take them or the cats have figured out a way to lose them.

    I read in an earlier entry that Toro is going for micro-chipping? Just curious, is he going somewhere?

  3. A little of both I think mini-meow. Bujang himself has lost quite a few coming in and out of ixora bushes. It is always too late when I realise he has no collar so now I use the cat safe ones which are a little tougher to snap off.

    No Toro is going to be microchipped purely as a safety precaution. I am a little paranoid about my cats escaping eventhough they are never unsupervised when they are out. So apart from the collars, I thought a micro-chip would ensure a record somewhere else. Some people tell me its a waste of money as not every cat will be scanned for a chip when found. But I say better safe than sorry.

  4. You're right about the psychology of using words - it's the same technique used for teaching difficult children. When you tell them "don't hurt", all they can think of is "hurt". So, putting "safe" in people's mind is much better.
