Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mystery Solved

The cat feeder mystery is solved. The reason I keep seeing her at evening feeding times is that she has left her job ! Woah. I wonder why she didn't tell me sooner. At least now the 2 cats don't get overfed by both of us. I give the calico chicken and tuna and the dark striped tabby a whole can of chicken and gravy plus biscuits. Then she comes and feeds them 2 packets of boiled rice and steamed fish. Aiyoh! Too much food at dinner.

She seemed cheerful when she told me she hasn't got another job yet. Maybe she didn't like her first one. It was to wash cups at a coffee shop in S. I'm sure it must be very difficult for such an old lady to do. S is a very busy place and people flock there like a never-ending tide - an endless stream of cups and mugs to wash...

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