Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Walk

We went for a morning walk today, about 915 am. The morning was cool and breezy and more importantly, quiet. I think Bujang was looking forward to being out as he made no fuss about his walking jacket and he went into the carrier willingly.
He tried to stalk some birds at the aprk but thery were too far away and other other birds on the parapet made alot of noise, which kind of spoiled the surprise. So he decided to sit and watch them instead, his ears poised and his teeth chattering. he made on last attempt to stalk them. Alas, the birds were wise to his intentions and flew off :))

After sveral other attempts, he decided eating grass would be better than chasing birds and proceeded to his favourite bushes, sniffing at their roots and smelling the sweet ixora.

Bujang spent some time under the ixora. I let him be as we had not been able to go for our walks for about one week. He has been telling me quite loudly these last few days that I had not been up to the job:) This morning he made one more attempt and meowed the house down. So I thought best to take him out in the morning when the day is still fine and not wait for later as it might rain again. He spent quite some time under the ixora as it makes him feel safe and secure surrorunded by all those leaves and some sharp branches.

In the last pic, Bujang was playing hide and seek with me. :)) After that we went for one more round and we had to go to the provison shop to buy bread. I parked the carrier inside the shop for safety. The shopkeeper meowed at Bujang and when Bujang meowed back, he was very pleased and told me my cat was chatting with him. :) Several kids also had a look at Bujang in his carrier but did not try to do anything else. So before a whole group of children decided to talk to him, I made a quick getaway as I don't want him to be stressed out after we had had such a lovely morning walk. We made our way home slowly about 1030.
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  1. Glad that Bujang had fun. He looked like a shy geisha hiding behind the fern/ fan.

  2. haha..more like yokozuna trying to be delicate :0 although he has slimmed down a little:))
