Sunday, August 13, 2006

Akira Under Covers

Akira's most favourite refuge must be this - under the covers as well as under pillows. I think she feels good with the added protection all around; like being in a bunker. She can stay under these covers for 2 to 3 hours on end and if there are visitors, it could be the whole day.

I have not been blogging for some time :) I thought I would try reading a book instead on some days. These days I could only read short mysteries or watch a video.

I saw The Lakehouse last weekend and I htought it was a sweet little romance with Sandra B and Keanu R. I don't much like keanu reeves as I always feel that he is always trying to act the part and not be the part (apologies to all KR's fans). But I was pleasantly surprised that I found him believable in his part as Alex and felt quite relieved that he found his true love. Of course the time dimension is shot. THAT was the only terrible part about it but I didn't mind it too much this time.

So I went to get IL MARE - the Korean version and yes, I like that better although the Korean heroine was a little 'drama queen'. The ending was better too. I wonder why Hollywood changed the ending as it was also a happy one :))


  1. Whah, Akira, not hot meh? Poor kitty, I wonder if it was because of her experiences at SPCA?

    San, glad you had been well. I thought you were unwell or something had happened, since you had not blogged.

  2. Maybe at the SPCA there were so many cats and she didn't get much space. She was in a cage with 3 other cats but I was told they were her siblings. I think she has a thing about security :)
    My cough is better cat_aunty thanks. Now I only drink hot green tea. It soothes my throat a lot and immediately too.
