Sunday, August 27, 2006

"What is the world coming to," asks Ms Akira

Ms Akira is looking around to see the weather and of course the little butterfly that flitted briefly in our space. If she had tried to catch it, I would understand why she did it. She is a predator eventhough she looks very pretty and gentle.

I think if she knows the sentence for the Old airport killer - only 8 weeks, she would despair about the state humankind is in. 8 weeks for swinging a cat against walls and decapitating them. I am glad she is always indoors and never out unless supervised. :(

Maybe Ms Akira has it right after all. It's pretty unsafe to be out in the world.


  1. Miss Akira has big eyes, like an Egyptian.

    Yes, the outdated legal system does not protect the helpless and the weak. We are doing what we can, but we cannot save all the cats in the world.

    The Killer will get his retribution this life. Maybe he will die a similar horrible death.

  2. True cat_aunty. We can't save all:) but at least wehave saved a few :)
