Saturday, October 21, 2006

Climbing mountains

Toro once again trying to climb onto the top of the bookcase. He has tried to do this several times as he has seen Akira jumping over him onto the case and Bujang jumping from his shelf onto it also. Toro is very curious and wants to go everywhere the other kitties go. But his short legs or maybe his confidence prevents him from going up so Ms Akira is still safe from being badgered.

Hmmm...maybe there is something I can use to help me....

I'll get you!

I am just pretending know I don't really want to do it today. Tomorrow maybe...

Toro giving up after complaining about the bookcase and cleans his paws to calm down. The frogs are still dismembered as I can't get a replacement from Spotlight yet. They've run out of frogs. After dismembering the legs, Bujang has since lost interest in them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I see that the poor frog is still handicapped. Hur hur. Max is also not good at jumping. Persian genes perhaps?
