Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Feeding cats in the rain

This was what it looked like at about 745 tonight when I went to feed the kitties downstairs. It rained very heavily and although I was glad that it rained as the haze was getting to me, I was sad for the kitties as they were cold. The rain came into the void deck and poor FatBoy had to move about several times with me following after him as he was afraid of the sounds of the rain coupled with noisy children running helter-skelter under umbrellas. I wanted to yell at the kids for scaring FB but I thought the better of it as I did not want them to have any ill feelings towards him as he is very friendly.

I got to feed all the 4 kitties, much to my relief as it was very wet out and I was afraid that they would be cold and hungry at the same time. They all ate much more than usual, which was a good thing. In these series of pictures, FB is first, then the calico mom (2nd tier) with Screaming Banshee and finally the Calico kitty. They all looked quite contented after several cans of food. Even Screaming banshee had seconds as he was not finished with his meal by the time I had fed the Calico mom. FB ate his food in between the bicycles as he felt more secure there. I fed the calico kitty twice as she ate only a little the first round and as she is the most friendly of the kitties, I felt that she needed more food so she would not go around asking for more from anyone else. The second time round, she asked for scritches which I gave her and she ate much more food. I think they would all be able to sleep well as they would not be hungry in the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they do get very hungry especially if it is raining
