Thursday, November 02, 2006

FattBoy and the circus

Hmmm..what else is in here?

I came home late today after doing errands and the cats were waiting for someone to feed them. I seriously think the old auntie has gone MIA. The day before yesterday I found some wet cat food near the rubbish bin and cleaned it up. I then wrote a note in chinese to the old feeder but the letter was still there, stuck on to her post box.

I fed all 4 very hungry cats. Even Screaming Banshee waited for seconds. She is getting more familiar with me and so I guess when I come back from the conference, I would have to go about getting her sterilized. I found that the Little Calico prefers dry food.

On a better note, I spoke to 2 primary school boys about the cats. I explained to them what I was doing and they told me that they were afraid people might bully SB. They then told me that they sometimes feed the cats where they live. On closer questioning, they told me that they always clean up after their feeding. I praised them and then told them to go home as it was late and they came from school.

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