Thursday, December 07, 2006

The saga of The Man and I with SB in between

I am getting quite tired of The Man and wished that I had never given him my email address. He just told me that the authorities are trying to catch the cats and the person who feeds them and I should be wary. I told him that feeding cats is not illegal and I am not committing an offence and therefore have no fear of 'authorities'. He said that people have complained to the 'authorities' about the defecation. I told him that he is one of those people and it is within his right to complain as he is concerned about health and cleanliness, just like it is within my rights to feed the cats as long as I clean after them. Maybe I should send SB to be boarded after her spaying. Then if more poo is found and she is not around, there is nothing else to say. Or maybe I should really relocate her to some safer place except I do not know of any. Sigh....

Does anyone know a boardng facility where I can send SB for a short time, maybe until the end of Dec? Just in case...


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Hi San,

    Contact these lovely ladies at to board your cat.

    Good Luck!

  2. OK. This entry is just me ranting about the man. I am much calmer now. Thanks
