Saturday, December 16, 2006

The walkabout II

Megat eating or rather swallowing biscuits

Megat giving the board a good scratch

Megat trying to pull open my cupboard with his long nails and strong leg muscle

Megat gave us all a good run for our money. He walked the house as though he owns it and performs actions worthy of an owner of the house :) He came from the kitchen where he had scented everything from the chairs to thw washing machines, then he walked to the food dish where he swallowed biscuits as his teeth were not up to chewing, he went into the bedroom and scratched the board and then, he waled into the bathroom and used the litter. The boys were too flabbergasted to stop him. I think they think he's some kind of apparition and they kept clear of him. Then the boys decided to sleep as watching an apparition can be very hard work. Megat went under the bed and stayed there where he could see Bujang and me. We all had a good afternoon nap as the day was so hot but we had cool air-conditioning. :)

1 comment:

  1. Remember to give the Amigos some extra play time and hugs!! So that they don't feel neglected and associate Megat with something horrible!
