Sunday, February 04, 2007

What a big cat!

Bujang looking at what humans are up to on sunday...

When Bujang and I went to the park this morning, we met an old lady at the void deck who was taking the morning air with her helper. She saw us and asked us to stop so she could see Bujang clearly. "Kucing!" she said. I told her his name is Bujang and we were going for our walk. The old lady asked her helper to help her walk with Bujang. She waited for me to get Bujang out of his carrier. When she saw him she said "Kusmangat! Besarnya." (Oh my goodness. He's a big cat).

She asked me if Bujang would bite. I told her he would bite if he doesn't like being touched or if he doesn't like the situation. But I knew she would like to touch him. So I carried him up and held him firmly to me. The old lady then carressed his head and told him he was a good boy. Bujang let the lady touch him for a bit and sniffed at her some. Then I let him down and he went on his way. The lady stayed for a while watching him.

She told me she once had rescued a black cat that she had neutered and cared for. It seemed her black cat died when he was 5 years old. I asked her what her cat died of but she told me that she didn't know. Even the doctors were puzzled. We didn't get much time to talk as Bujang wanted to go to the ixora and eat grass. So we said our goodbyes. :)

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