Saturday, April 07, 2007

How I spent Easter - by Bujang Correspondent

cat_aunty sent san a pikshur of Easter. Thanks cat_aunty. :) I thought then I should think about what we or I did on Easter. A refleksion is always good.

I played with the mousie that cat_aunty sent to us fur Christmas. I am good mouser cos by the time I finished with it- it was d_e_a_d. I can't say it aloud. But I can sure spell it out okay.

Then it was time to rest my spirit. The other kitties made a lot of noise in san's room and so I sat on grandma's bed. It was quiet and peaceful. Grandma had fishes on her bed spread but I can't eat any. I only eat from those shiny can things. Those are delicious. Grandma's fishes don't taste good though.

Then I thought I would think of Easter when Jesus died to save the world. I think a lot of people just eat chocolate bunnies. I am sure bunnies taste good but chocolate is bad for cats. It gave me quite a headache to think so seriously and so I had a nap.

I think Jesus and I would make great friends cos we both have a peaceful spirit and think that peace should be the way. :)


  1. bujang is my favorite! Tho we cannot exercise favoritism hehee

  2. dear Bujang is such a sensible and intelligent boy!! If some humans can be like him, we won"t have all these wars....
