Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Is it time yet?

Yes, its time now...

Can't you see I'm hungry? Please can you get up from that now?

The boys were in tandem trying to persuade me that it was dinner time already. Bujang's unblinking stare was like a dagger through my conscience and as though he knew it, he came even nearer to me to make me feel it even more keenly. Toro went up onto the table the better to add his two cents worth. Even grandma was taken in and told me they were hungry and it was 1/2 hr to their dinner time. The boys sure know how to put on the pressure :)


  1. Oh yes, they can be very persistent and persuasive!

  2. Ho, ho, ho! You can't ignore them. At least they pressure you silently, not like Coco who screams for her wet food dinner and cat treats with her breakfast. *roll eyes*
