Saturday, June 28, 2008

Where is Tanaka?

Here I am worries...

Grandma spent some time last night looking for Tanaka. She asked me if I had seen him.

In the sink? NO

On top of the fridge? NO

On the bed? NO

We would sometimes count the kitties, just to see that there are five of them in various states of sleep.

Then grandma said he would turn up sometime and she went to bed. Of course it was then that I saw Tanaka - looking at us from the comfort of his little house! Aiyoh!


  1. Awwwwww Tanaka you look very comfy in your padded house

  2. What a nice house!

    Coco would sometimes keep very quiet while knowing that we're looking and calling out for her. Maybe it's fun for them cats to fool us.
