Thursday, July 03, 2008

Wheel of Fortune

Hmmm...before and after...this is easy...

I wonder what words the letters make...this clue is not helping me...

Bujang was totally captivated by Vanna white and her swishing skirt, not to mention the graceful way she turns the letters of the alphabet.

Too much switching and turning...I have a headache. I hope Pat Sajak and Vanna white will not make me turn the wheel in my dreams....

Bujang was totally captivated by the turning wheel in the Wheel of Fortune game this evening. He rested his head on my modem instead of his usual books to get closer to the action. At one point he got very excited and started to paw at the wheel. I bet he would win the game too if he could get to play :))


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Bujang, u r great ; )

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Bujang is a civilised cat lah - sitting IN FRONT of the tv. Mine like to sit on TOP to paw the moving parts on the tv screen. One day the fat cat will fall with the tv and humans&cats will have to watch lizards for entertainment.

  3. Bujang please don't sit so close to the TV, you will have to wear glasses later
