Saturday, January 02, 2010

Bujang in the park on Saturday morning

Bujang looked around rather nervously as there was a Malay wedding going on nearby and children were running about...

He decided to take cover which was wise as it was very hot.

After some time and after my continual pleas and soft tuggung of his leash, he decided to get a move on...finally...


Bujang caught on tape :)

I finally decided to take him to the small park of sorts at another part of the estate. It's further and as I walked I regretted my decision as the sun was up, even at 11 am and I could feel the heat on my skin! But Bujang sat in his carrier comfortably like a tourist.

When we got to the park, it was quiet. I half expected teenagers to be playing ball and running about as there was a Malay wedding going on at the void deck nearby. But there was no one there, only the noise of the children laughing and running about near the void deck scared Bujang a little but he soon got over it in the excitement of finding his own grass and sitting on the cool soil under the bushes. Seeing him enjoying himself, I thought it was one of my best decisions this morning, to bring him here when the pidgeons did not work out and not going straight home.

1 comment:

  1. The 4th pic reminds me of what a big cat Bujang really is! Very handsome too.
