Sunday, January 03, 2010

Sunday adventures

Bujang stalking pigeons...

But he was easily distracted by people passing by...

He then found great joy rolling about in the drain that was full of fallen leaves and smells...

The second day downstairs was better for Bujang as he found the courage to get out as soon as I opened the carrier door. He saw the pigeons and meowed at them, stalking them slowly. The pigeons knew he meant business and so hurriedly moved away and did not try to mess about with a big cat :)

I knew there wa sno way he could get any one of them and anyway he was on a leash and so I just let him stalk them a little while longer until he got distracted and found a much more interesting place to roll about in. Aiyoh! A drain! Thak goodness there was no water in it, just some dry leaves and he had such joy just rolling about in it. Then we went for a walk on sand and grass and he was a very happy kitty :)

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