Thursday, March 18, 2010

Outside on Thursday

This morning Bujang looked outside and we both saw that the day was dark. He tried to encourage me to go out for a walk but I had to work..

When I finished at work, it was drizzling. It seemed that it had been raining for the whole day! So Bujang had to take a walk along the corridor. He now prefers to go upstairs to new territory but as no one upstairs knows us, they might not like a cat sniffing about their plants. I worried a little about that but as usual there was no one about at that time.

Bujang sniffed at one of the big plants. I suppose it smells different
He was other wise quite cautious, like me.

I was glad when we came downstairs and he walked along our own corridor. As usual, he sniffed out recyling bags, plant, floors and general corridor things. At least he had some time out today.

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