Thursday, April 29, 2010

FatBoy Update

Hmmm...Will life never be the same again?

FatBoy is doing well and is taking his meds regularly. We tried to give him some Flax but he just sniffed at his food suspiciously and ran off so we have abandoned that idea. We were thinking that apart from the meds and SubQ, we should try to give him some supplements to strengthen his system but have yet to come up with anything that he would eat. He also refused to eat some cat vitamins yesterday.

I am glad to see that he has come four days in a row for his morning breakfast of Waltham's renal. I just bought a new pack of this formula and discovered that the kibble is darker and smaller. They are also a little softer to the crunch. Therefore even with his very bad teeth, Fatboy can eat this quite easily.


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Royal Canin feline Renal sachets are soft wet food. They come in 100g sachets. It is also tuna flavoured. My kidney cats prefer Waltham to Prescription Diet dry kibbles.

  2. I have not seen these Feline Renal sachets. Can I get them from the vet or from the pet stores?

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Yes, at ar** and at most vet clinics. As my other vet is Dr H at AC Katong, I get renal sachets cheaper there.

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM is comprehensive and informative website covering almost all aspects of feline kidney failure. This is my favourite reference in managing my kidney cats though it was a bit overhelming when i first read it.

  5. I have not seen those Waltham's renal wet food either. San, if you manage to get any, please inform me too. My vet does not carry those.

    Apparently, Waltham makes tasty kibbles because every cat in the household will try to steal a little bit of XX's food every day.
