Thursday, April 22, 2010

Update on FatBoy

Thanks for all the comments made for FatBoy. He ate his meds quite willingly last night as we had crushed both into powder. The vet said we could give them both in his food. We did not want him to miss them so we had given it with a little of his usual canned food with only a little water. He finished them off with a little difficulty because of the pain his teeth were giving him I'm sure.

I am going to try to do the SubQ with Cousin R's and the auntie's help as I think having to catch him 2X a week in a carrier may be difficult as I do not want him to run off at the sight of the carrier as I have to bring him to the vet's in one week for a review. But if I cannot do it, then he has to go to the vet or I would have to consider that this may not be wise in the long term.

I have not seen the auntie yet so have not made any decisions still. I hope we can amke the right one. I know the auntie is not sentimental from our experience with Cal, our community cat who died of ataxia. She thinks about the cat first and everyone or everything later. Another difficult thing is that the auntie would be moving to B at the end of the month and then there would be no one who would keep an eye on him every night.

I of course am not brave about these things. When I brought Cal to B, I should have made the right decision and not have her suffer through a whole week of indecision only to die at the end still. Ataxia is irreversible and because I saw that she was in real pain, I should have made a decision right there. The thing with FatBoy is that he appears happy, he is walking about although his territory is getting smaller, he greets his people when he sees them and he still enjoys his food. The vet said a cat can suffer a lot of pain and still appear all right.

However, Cousin R said that he has taken to just sitting around instead of investigating his territory and he appears quieter than usual. I have also seen him only a few times in the morning while before he would wait for breakfast just outside the lift, every morning with Minah.

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