Sunday, September 12, 2010

Community Cat on Hari Raya

Putih before her accident...
On Hari Raya weekend..
She is looking much better. Her sores have dried up and we just have the scabs now. of cos they have marred her looks some. She was a no show a few times at dinner but we have M, who could be counted on to look out for her. She is just a lovable as ever but I look forward to the time when she gets her old looks back. I am not hung up on looks but I think the way a community cat looks would sometimes determine how the residents treat them and because she is such cutie that many people are fond of her in the first place and so she would always be much 'safer' than some some others not as pretty.
Minah is looking just as 'steady'. She comes running and is quite bossy about how soon her food gets into her bowl :)
TK comes at the slightest ring of our keys...He is now a very handsome kitty...
PD came down to eat some dinner, just half a can. He has nor come down for dinner ever since he came back from R's. His temperament is calm and he is now quite afraid of TK. However things are not going on so well where he is as his size is very intimidating and M's neighbour's 3 senior cats get very nervous when he rushes into the house. The neghbour told M that she hopes M would find another solution for PD as her cats sometimes pee because of fear and shock because of PD.

PD resting the evening away. I spoke to his previous owner's daughter about the possibility of taking him back some time ago but we have no answer. I fear his owners would just ignore him and he would remain a stray and the neighbour would be very upset. But for now, he is safe where he is.

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