Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vesak Day

On vesak day we had a few good walks...
Tanaka got into his harness and we walked the corridor as this is the place he likes walking in...

Its quiet and safe and he knows everyone here :)

Bujang was not pleased and kept meowing and so we went downstrairs for his walk...

He ignored the birds, having known that he could not catch them as they would fly off as soon as he gets anywhere near them..

He ate morning grass..

and heard a great noise...thump! thump!

The neighbours were 'picking' mangoes from the mango trees that lined our street :) It was early and no one was about so its everyone for himself. The birds had the rest of the mangoes and so we thought it was okie for the neighbours to have some as well :) After all the mangoes belonged to everyone:)


  1. Good Morning you two beauties. Lots of kisses to you. I wish I would not be so afraid of a harness but I am..because I too could enjoy great walks like you two do.


  2. Nothing like morning grass with dew on it!

  3. What a great morning you had! We love your harnesses, and that you get to go out for walks. :)

  4. You're brave to go out in a harness. Our mommy knows we're too afraid to go outside.
