Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Lazeabouts

 Our only white flower has been blooming for a whole week. It cheers up our hearts whenever we see it. We also want to tell Pasirina, our school cat to run free and to be happy always at the bridge. We are sure all our cats who had gone to the bridge will be there to meet her. We dedicate our pretty white blossom to our school kitty who ran free last Saturday morning in the school grounds where she was safe.
 I am just laze-ing about :) today. Its a quiet day at home.
My bruffers Bujang and Toro like sitting in grandma's room as it is always neat and tidy and quiet in the mornings. We are neat cats! Grandma likes her sheets to be like in the army - at attention all the time but she doesn't mind my bruffers and I messing with it. It is going to be a Lazeabout Day today.


  1. Wow! We're surprised you don't bounce of your Grandma's bed those sheets are so tight! Our Mommy could learn a thing or two from her.

  2. We were sorry to read about Pasirina. May she run free at the ridge.

    We think you have the right idea for Mondays. Much better than Manic Mondays"!!!

    The Chans
