Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cat Whisperer in our midst

I told her many things and she said I was chatty and a nice kitty.

Today we had an animal communicator Fern to come to our house as I feel that we may need more help than what the vets can give us, especially for Ms Akira. It was very exciting for me and for the amigos and I didn't think all of them would be so chatty and their personalities shone through everything.  I had been to Laura Stinchfield's blog and read about her as well as listened to her radio show and thought I should give this a shot. I am glad I did and as Fern said I could blog about our meeting, I would be doing so in the weeks to follow. We had also decided on a course of action that might help Ms Akira and the boys (but not with Tanaka and Megat, as she does not like them yet) can get together. Hopefully in the months to come, she would get a little better. Ms Akira and Megat are both also getting Reiki for emotional help.

I do not know how many people believe in animal communicators but I would do really anything to get help for the amigos :). I think they have a special skill and gift that would be helpful for us here. Our first instalment will be tomorrow for Ms Akira as I have some work stuff to get through tonight :)

PS. sorry Fern if I get some of the words wrong as I didn't get all the words they said on paper :)

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